Texans are falling behind on their light bills — especially during extreme heat
One organization helping Texans pay their electric bills said the average household was $1,400 behind. Full Story
The latest economy news from The Texas Tribune.
One organization helping Texans pay their electric bills said the average household was $1,400 behind. Full Story
City leaders and advocates hope reducing the size of lots used to build homes will increase housing supply. Full Story
The new fines underscore the challenges college students face when looking for affordable housing — and how cities struggle to provide it. Full Story
From brisket to carne asada, Texas is known for meat, making this annual gathering in a small Rio Grande Valley town stand out. Full Story
Thousands of hemp dispensaries have sprung up in Texas in the years since consumable hemp became legal. Full Story
In the state’s larger counties, voters can now elect people to the agencies that appraise property values. Full Story
Despite several daily and systematic challenges, the Liberty County community is home to industrious entrepreneurs from across the Latin American diaspora. Full Story
There is no process in Texas for a voter-driven statewide referendum. So, supporters are going city by city to build statewide momentum. Full Story
The rules will require coal-fueled plants, including Texas plants that produced about 12% of power on the state’s grid this year, to reduce carbon emissions and mercury pollution and handle disposed coal ash more safely. Full Story
In Kennard, City Council members have been appointed after previous members retired or died. Full Story
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is challenging the program, saying it violates the Texas Constitution. Full Story
Panelists discussed how the industry has changed Midland and Odessa and how to confront environmental concerns. Full Story
With the hottest days still ahead, local leaders have declared emergencies. And farmers are lobbying for the U.S. government to pressure Mexico to release water. Full Story
Citing community concerns about a planned cement plant in Grayson County, Patrick’s letter asks TCEQ to reject the permit and halt permit approvals statewide. Full Story
The planned manufacturing and research cluster is expected to create at least 17,000 construction jobs and more than 4,500 manufacturing jobs. Full Story
In testimony to state lawmakers, Dale Jenkins and his Panhandle peers shared the “hidden cost” of the wildfires. Full Story
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is negotiating a land trade involving part of Boca Chica State Park. Full Story
The program would give roughly 1,900 households payments of $500 for 18 months with no strings attached. Paxton called it “plainly unconstitutional.” Full Story
The Affordable Connectivity Program provides a $30 monthly subsidy to help low-income households pay for internet service. The program is slated to run out of money at the end of the month. Full Story
Republican lawmakers may try to force Texas cities to allow greater housing density as the state faces a housing crunch. Full Story