Arturo Vargas: The TT Interview
The executive director of NALEO's Educational Fund on what it will take to motivate Latinos to vote this year, why immigration isn't the group's only concern and why voter ID legislation is a bad idea. Full Story
The latest Dream Act news from The Texas Tribune.
The executive director of NALEO's Educational Fund on what it will take to motivate Latinos to vote this year, why immigration isn't the group's only concern and why voter ID legislation is a bad idea. Full Story
Aaronson maps the growth of poverty in Texas, Aguilar on the suicide of an illegal immigrant, Galbraith on the prospect of more rolling blackouts, Grissom on a prosecutor's memory lapse, Hamilton on the prospect of public universities undergoing a sunset review, Murphy's latest awesome redistricting interactive, Ramsey on a stumbling start to the 2012 election season, Root on Rick Perry's latest populist tirade, M. Smith on the boom in for-profit teacher certification programs and Tan on the fight against cervical cancer in ... Africa: The best of our best content from November 28 to December 2, 2011. Full Story
In the wake of an illegal immigrant's suicide last week, Texas groups urging passage of the DREAM Act are aiming to make sure what happened to Joaquin Luna doesn't happen to other students. Full Story
Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced this week it deported more immigrants during the 2011 fiscal year than it did in any year since the agency's 2003 inception. Full Story
A student organization at Gov. Rick Perry’s alma mater, Texas A&M, has started a petition requesting that the governor immediately call a special legislative session to end in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. Full Story
At this morning's TribLive conversation, Texas A&M University System Chancellor John Sharp defended the state law allowing college-bound children of undocumented immigrants to pay in-state tuition. Full Story
Karla Reséndiz was able to attend UT-Austin because she paid in-state tuition rates — even though she is the child of illegal immigrants. Now, she and others like her are the focus of the latest political battle over immigration. Full Story
Thanks to Gov. Rick Perry, Karla Reséndiz was able to attend UT-Austin and pay in-state tuition rates — even though she is not a legal resident of Texas. Reséndiz — and by extension Perry — is now the focus of a harsh debate over illegal immigration. Full Story
Excerpt from an interview between Jay Root and Sheriff Joe Arpaio about Gov. Rick Perry. Full Story
A senior member of Texas’ congressional delegation wants to strip the Obama administration of its immigration enforcement duties, alleging the president is attempting to create a “backdoor” amnesty for illegal immigrants. Full Story
An effort by Sen. Brian Birdwell, R-Granbury, to require undocumented Texas students to pay out-of-state tuition rates sparked emotional debate in the Senate today, and forced Birdwell to pull the measure down. Full Story
College students who would have benefited from federal passage of the DREAM Act, which would have provided a pathway to citizenship for certain illegal immigrants, are turning their attention to the Texas Legislature. As Erika Aguilar of KUT News reports, protesters rallied at the Capitol on Tuesday against a number of immigration bills lawmakers will consider. Full Story
In Austin, undocumented students spent the week risking deportation to speak publicly about their support of the DREAM Act. Full Story
Speakers rally for the DREAM Act in Austin. Full Story
The defense bill blocked by Republicans in the U.S. Senate could impact Texas. One of the measures that failed to move forward was an amendment that would have given some undocumented immigrants a path to legal status through education. Erika Aguilar of KUT News reports. Full Story
Senate Republicans voted unanimously against opening debate for the defense authorization bill this afternoon, a move that blocked the so-called DREAM Act, a controversial immigration measure. Full Story
Bill V. Flores, president of University of Houston-Downtown, is joining calls for the passage of the DREAM Act, which clears a path to permanent-residency status for undocumented students. Full Story
To the sound of drums and the sight of American flags, more than 25,000 people marched on Dallas City Hall in the latest episode in Texas' endless immigration saga. Full Story