Video: Abbott Details His Transition to Governor
On Wednesday, the day after the election, Gov.-elect Greg Abbott held a news conference at the state Capitol to lay out what he's doing to prepare for his new role. Full Story
The latest 2014 elections news from The Texas Tribune.
On Wednesday, the day after the election, Gov.-elect Greg Abbott held a news conference at the state Capitol to lay out what he's doing to prepare for his new role. Full Story
We're livestreaming Gov.-elect Greg Abbott's Austin news conference on his transition plan. The news conference is expected to start at 11:30 a.m. Central time. The feed is courtesy of KXAN-TV. Full Story
TribCast host Reeve Hamilton and Tribune editors Evan Smith, Ross Ramsey and Emily Ramshaw unpack the 2014 general election after the ballots are counted. Full Story
Use our interactive maps to compare which Texas counties went red and which went blue in the 2010 and 2014 Texas governor's races. Full Story
We've updated our 2014 election brackets — our version of college basketball's March Madness — to reflect Tuesday night's elections. See who came out on top, or check detailed results on our election scoreboard. Full Story
Check out complete results from the 2014 general election — including statewide, congressional, legislative and judicial races — on our scoreboard. Full Story
Texas voters reasserted themselves in the face of ballyhooed Democratic voter turnout efforts: This remains — emphatically — a Republican state. Full Story
Texas Democrats maintained their 16-year losing streak on Tuesday night, with Republicans decisively sweeping all 15 statewide races on the ballot. Full Story
Republican state Sen. Dan Patrick cruised to a landslide victory Tuesday night in the race for lieutenant governor, easily defeating Democratic opponent, Leticia Van de Putte. For more election results, see our Election Scoreboard. Full Story
Throughout the night, our liveblog will keep you updated on the results of general election battles statewide, from the first early voting totals through the last ballots counted, from local legislative races to the governor's race. Full Story
It's Election Day, and Texans will turn over every statewide executive office, settle some locally important legislative and congressional races, and decide on issues like transportation funding. Full Story
If the Republicans win control of the U.S. Senate in Tuesday's elections, the second-ranking member of what is now the minority party — John Cornyn of Texas — could be sitting pretty. Full Story
On this week's edition of WFAA-TV's Inside Texas Politics with host Jason Whitely, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram's Bud Kennedy and Tribune Executive Editor Ross Ramsey offer an Election Day preview. Full Story
After Tuesday's general election, political observers will examine voter turnout and exit poll data, seeking insights into where Texas is politically, and where it may be headed. Full Story
With early voting wrapping up Friday, turnout numbers don't seem to reflect much result from Democratic efforts to cultivate new voters. Full Story
Election Day is just about here. Nearly 1.5 million Texans have already cast early ballots – either by mail or in person. For those of you planning to vote on Tuesday, here's a look at where things stand as you prepare to head to the polls. Full Story
Green Party candidate Emily Sanchez has few resources in her bid for U.S. Senate. What she does have is a nickname, SpicyBrown, that voters will see on the ballot. Full Story
In two legislative contests in Tarrant County — House District 94 and Senate District 10 — Democrats are pinning their hopes on Republican voters soured by the most conservative elements of their party. Full Story
As the election season comes to a close, it's instructive to see whom the candidates call in for special appearances and reinforcement — and whom they don't call on at all. Full Story
Where the candidates in the Legislature's most-watched races stand on the campaign fundraising side with just a few days to go before the general election. Full Story