T-Squared: Our Mobile Site, Revisited
You wanted access to every bit of our content, including taglines, on the go. Done and done. Full Story
T-Squared is an occasional series about the inner workings of The Texas Tribune.
You wanted access to every bit of our content, including taglines, on the go. Done and done. Full Story
Announcing the latest way to get your Trib on. (Thanks, Tony Matta!) Full Story
You may now print our stories, blogs, etc. (You're welcome.) Full Story
Our latest bit of functionality: a searchable, sortable repository of every document on our site. Full Story
The collaboration of the big five newspapers on polling in the 2010 election cycle is good news for Texas. Full Story
Four weeks into this thing, we're well beyond where we thought we'd be. And we're just getting started. Full Story
If we didn't think campaign finance law was confusing before this morning, well, we do now. Full Story
In which I forgive the mayor of Houston for B.S.ing me last Friday. Full Story
The latest addition to our elected officials directory: a listing of every staffer (we think) who works for a member of the Texas Legislature. Full Story
We've made it easier for you to push our stories out to the world — out to your world — on Facebook and Twitter. Full Story
We've set up our first Twitter list, aggregating the feeds of 58 tweeting Texas elected officials Full Story
This afternoon, the Chronicle reprinted a Tribune story, in its entirety, online -- and the world did not end. Full Story
One of the persistent comments we heard after going live last Tuesday was: Why can't you provide an RSS feed for your original news stream, and, more broadly, why isn't the site set up in a way that enables the RSS habits and preferences of your users? Done and done. Full Story
On the subject of nits picked -- in a very good way -- Aron Pilhofer of the New York Times just posted a long and thoughtful critique of our site. Full Story
Forty-eight hours or so have passed since we opened for business, and your cards and letters -- more like your tweets and e-mails -- are telling us much of what we need to know about the changes you'd like to see to our site, things that would enhance your experience. Full Story
I don't blame Leibowitz for making such a fuss about this, and I don't blame Sullivan either. They're just doing their jobs. As are our pollsters. As are we all. Full Story
For those of us who willingly quit good jobs with big media companies to join an untried journalism start-up with an untested business model, this site, this thing, is the expression of our ideals, the realization of our dreams, and the validation of our faith. We're enormously proud, every one of us, of what we're doing and why. We're awed and cowed by what we've been able to produce so quickly and on a relative shoestring (relative, that is, compared to the budgets we lived within and among just a few months ago). And we've barely gotten started. Full Story
Because we believe so strongly in distributing our content across as many platforms as possible, we're happy to report that you can take the Trib with you. You can see a constantly updated stream of our top stories on our mobile site, m.texastribune.org, and you can download our podcasts and our free Elected Officials Directory app on iTunes (there's a free version and a paid version). If there's another way you'd like to get access to Trib content other than at your computer, let us know. Full Story