A Timeline of Texas Governor's Race Debates
Take a look back at the highlights from the last three decades of Texas gubernatorial debates. Full Story
Take a look back at the highlights from the last three decades of Texas gubernatorial debates. Full Story
State leaders tout the so-called Texas miracle – the idea that the economy here is thriving thanks to their small-government approach. But not everyone benefits. Here are the stories of six Texans who've found little relief in the Texas miracle. Full Story
Our new Government Salaries Explorer reimagines our flagship salary database app. Use the explorer to review the compensation of hundreds of thousands of state and municipal employees in Texas. We will update and expand this database periodically. Full Story
Critics of Attorney General Greg Abbott say he has not fairly represented Texas homeowners who were charged too much by an insurance company whose employees' PAC has given generously to his campaign. Full Story
Texas used a three-drug lethal injection cocktail for nearly three decades. But since 2011, a dwindling drug supply has forced Texas and other states to find other drugs to administer the death penalty. Full Story