Updated: 10 Most-Read Stories of 2011: Perry, UT and TSA Groping
With 2011 winding down, we take a look back at the stories our readers liked best, judging by the number of pageviews they received. Full Story
Niran Babalola was a software engineer and technology director at The Texas Tribune, where he worked from 2009 to 2012. Previously he wrote web applications for the Austin American-Statesman. He has also written software at Yahoo and Apple. A native of Sugar Land, he studied computer science at Stanford University.
With 2011 winding down, we take a look back at the stories our readers liked best, judging by the number of pageviews they received. Full Story
Solving the state's 2012-13 budget woes is a hard job and perhaps the best way to show that is to let you decide for yourself how the $27 billion shortfall should be closed. Use our interactive budget shortfall app to see what you're willing to give up to close the gap. Full Story
Explore Texas red-light camera intersections statewide or drill down to individual intersections to see images, crash figures and citation totals. Full Story
Since our November launch, we've published more than 30 web applications made from government records, including the most comprehensive public payroll database in the state, an interactive database with all 160,000 inmates serving time in the 100-plus state prison units, rankings of more than 5,800 public schools, a comprehensive list of every red-light enforcement camera in Texas, and databases with state-level fundraising and spending for members of the Legislature and statewide elected officials. Readers have viewed these pages more than 2.3 million times — more than a third of the site's overall traffic. Full Story
Records in the Texas Tribune's data library are licensed under Creative Commons, which means you're free to download them, remix them and republish them — so long as you comply with our simple terms. Full Story
Our latest interactive database has records on each of the more than 160,000 inmates in Texas prisons, including their names, crimes, hometowns, height, weight and gender, the counties in which they were convicted and their sentencing dates. Explore them all. Full Story
Two months after their controversial meetings about proposed changes to the social studies curriculum, State Board of Education members meet today to resume their deliberations. To help you follow along as the SBOE's ideological blocs scrap over a flood of amendments, we've produced this annotated version of the high school history standards. Full Story
Find the salaries of more than 340,000 public employees with our enhanced data application, including those working at the largest state agencies as well as individual public schools, cities and mass-transit operators. And universities: Did you know, for instance, that of the 10 highest-paid professors at the state's two largest universities, nine are Aggies? Full Story
The most up-to-date information about the candidates running for various offices. Full Story
Search the privately funded trips taken by Texas congressmen and their staffs during the last two years. Full Story