As oil and gas exports surge, West Texas becomes the world’s “extraction colony”
An unprecedented drilling boom in the Permian Basin is great for business. But it’s polluting the air, overwhelming communities and threatening the planet. Full Story
How a new oil boom is transforming West Texas, sending U.S. oil around the world and threatening efforts to fight climate change.
An unprecedented drilling boom in the Permian Basin is great for business. But it’s polluting the air, overwhelming communities and threatening the planet. Full Story
The Bureau of Land Management is making it easier to produce oil and gas on federal acreage. In southeastern New Mexico, it can’t even keep up with what’s already happening. Full Story
The U.S. government has become a pitchman for the natural gas industry. That could raise profits — and temperatures. Full Story
The Trump administration has its predecessor to thank when it comes to “energy dominance.” Full Story
For Texas ports, the rise in oil and gas exports is a windfall. For some communities, it’s not so simple. Full Story
From 2008 through 2017, 1,566 workers perished trying to extract oil and gas in America. About as many U.S. troops died fighting in Afghanistan during that period. Full Story
As American natural gas production soars, South Korea rushes to build tankers to move that energy to Asia’s top economies. Full Story
Our series on the global implications of a new golden age for Permian Basin oil began with a very local story: How towns large and small are trying to deal with an explosion in drilling activity, population, traffic and other effects of the new boom. Full Story
A coalition of residents and indigenous and environmental groups has rallied against a trio of proposed terminals to export liquefied natural gas from the Port of Brownsville. Thursday's vote puts the terminals closer to final approval. Full Story